IMPORTANT: The images and videos in this blog are used solely for demonstrational purposes.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

It was our first time – blogging!

We would like to complete this blog episode with a short flashback on the last two weeks in which we were real bloggers for the first time. We made some life lasting experiences that we would like to share with everybody who thinks about starting a blog.

The challenges: setting up a blog and market it throughout the different social media channels is said to be very easy – well, we can tell you it isn't. We experienced a pretty hard and rusty start...
The questions you should ask yourself: "Do the preferred media for advertising accept my blog-address? Didn't I use too many characters for my URL address? Are there other blogs with the same topic? Could I use them as a guideline? Do I have enough time for starting all my advertising campaigns on the media platform I want to deal with? Is setting up an account and a profile on a certain media platform really worth it? Do I have enough knowledge about technical aspects such as basic programming and HTML usage?" If you can answer all these questions with YES, go for it!
Furthermore, make sure you can fully stand behind your blog topic. We experienced that we actually branded ourselves during these two very intensive blog weeks by permanently posting status up-dates and messages about our blog "Brand Yourself on Social Media". We actually were applying second order branding – almost as complex as Web 2.0, don't you think so?
Over the time we bothered all our friends on Facebook, Twitter, via e-mail and so on by bombarding them with links and invitations to our blog. Now we are wondering what the consequences are regarding our reputation will be...
However, we probably put more meaningful status up-dates, messages and links on Facebook and Twitter than many others – that may compensates.

So far our experiences. Once again, many thanks to our followers! We might be back one day on a voluntary basis. It's never too late to start blogging:

Stay tuned and do not exaggerate – neither on social media nor on blogs. And never forget: "Social media is like teen sex: Everyone wants to do it. No one actually knows how. When finally done, there is surprise it's not better." True!

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